• Home
  • About Us
    • Our Mission
      – Know more about our mission and the principles we follow to realize this mission.
    • Objectives – 12 objectives of our temple and the various activities and initiatives taken up to achieve them.
    • Governance
      – Get to know about the temple governance that runs the organization effectively.
    • Centers – Take a look at the various centers affiliated to ISKCON Bangalore.
  • Srila Prabhupada
    • Our Acharya – Srila Prabhupada, Our Beloved Spiritual Master.
    • Biography – Read a brief biography of Srila Prabhupada and know more about his accomplishments.
    • Books
      – Access the books written by Srila Prabhupada which can bring about a transformation in your life.
    • Lectures – Listen to snippets of Srila Prabhupada’s lectures and understand the science of God.
    • Bhajans and Kirtans – Listen to a few recordings of bhajans by Srila Prabhupada.
  • Temple
  • Darshan
    • Daily Darshan – View and download daily darshan images of Deities.
    • Special Darshan – Have darshan of well-decorated and beautiful Deities dressed in different costumes.
    • Live Darshan – Watch Live of All the Aratis, temple programs and festivals.
  • Festivals
    • Sri Rama Navami – The auspicious appearance day of Lord Ramachandra, the ideal king.
    • Sri Brahmotsava – It commemorates the appearance of Their Lordships on Hare Krishna Hill.
    • Sri Narasimha Jayanti
      – It is the day when Lord Narasimha appeared to kill Hiranyakashipu and protect Prahlada.
    • Hanuman Jayanti – This festival marks the appearance day of Hanuman.
    • Panihati Chida-Dahi Utsava
      – Also known as Danda Mahotsava, it is the festival of eating yogurt and chipped rice.
    • Garuda Panchami – This festival is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Garuda.
    • Jhulan Utsava – The festival of gently swaying Radha and Krishna on a decorated swing.
    • Sri Balarama Purnima – The auspicious appearance day of Lord Balarama.
    • Sri Krishna Janmashtami
      – Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared on this day.
    • Vyasa Puja – It is the appearance day of Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON.
    • Sri Radhashtami – Srimati Radharani, the dear most consort of Lord Krishna appeared on this day.
    • Vamana Jayanti – It is the appearance day of the Lord in the form of a dwarf-brahmana.
    • Deepotsava – The month-long festival of lights commemorating the Damodara-lila of Lord Krishna.
    • Govardhana Puja
      – On this occasion, devotees glorify Krishna’s pastime of lifting the Govardhana Hill.
    • Sri Vaikuntha Ekadashi
      – This is a festival in glorification of Lord Srinivasa Govinda.
    • Sri Sri Krishna Balarama Ratha Yatra
      – The annual Ratha Yatra festival of ISKCON Bangalore. Come and pull the chariot…
    • Sri Nityananda Trayodashi – The auspicious appearance day of Lord Nityananda.
    • Sri Gaura Purnima – The glorious appearance day of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, also known as Gauranga.
  • Activities
    • Yuga Dharma – The first and the foremost objective of our temple is the distribution of the holy name.
      • Harinam Sankirtana – Harinam Sankirtana is the Yuga dharma of the present age for the ultimate spiritual perfection.
      • Chanters Club – Join our Hare Krishna Chanters Club and chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra every day.
      • Harinam Festival – Participate in the celebration of the holy name in the temple once in 3 months.
      • Hare Krishna Mantra – Find the meaning and the significance of the Hare Krishna mantra.
      • Harinam Mantapa – Remember Lord Krishna by chanting His holy names before having His darshan in our temple.
      • Harinam Diksha – Different levels of devotional service under Srila Prabhupada Ashraya program.
      • Hare Krishna Flash Mob – Hare Krishna devotees perform Harinam Sankirtana through flash mobs in different parts of the city.
    • Cultural Education – Our temple organizes different events to inculcate cultural values in children.
      • Culture Camp – Enroll your children for the culture camp conducted for students during summer vacation.
      • Krishna Contest – It is a written test conducted for students from Class V to Class X throughout Karnataka.
      • Heritage Fest – It is a cultural carnival of contests conducted for students from LKG to Class X.
    • Food Distribution – No devotional programme will be considered complete without Prasadam distribution.
      • Nitya Annadana – Don’t miss to have free lunch prasadam in the temple on your next visit to the Hare Krishna Hill.
      • Krishnamritam – Know more about the temple kitchens where food is cooked for the Lord’s offering.
      • Akshaya Patra – Akshaya Patra is an initiative of ISKCON Bangalore to provide mid-day meals in rural schools.
    • Krishnashraya – Our temple has taken up various initiatives to introduce a life of Krishna consciousness to people.
      • FOLK Programs – Learn about our weekend spiritual classes and workshops for the youth.
      • FOLK Hostels – Get to know about the accommodation for youth which is conducive to their spiritual development.
      • Krishnashraya – Krishnashraya is a home-based spiritual rejuvenation program.
      • Life Sublime – Our temple conducts spiritual sessions for busy working professionals.
    • Cow Protection – Learn more about the significance of cow protection and our temple goshala.
  • Projects
    • Krishna Lila Theme Park – It is a magnificent cultural complex being set up at Vaikuntha Hill on Kanakapura Road, Bengaluru.
    • Vrindavana Chandrodaya Mandir  – Do you know about the grand temple complex being constructed at Vrindavana and its features?
    • Nitya Annadana Hall – It is proposed to build a new Annadana Hall with a larger seating capacity above the Open Air Theatre on Hare Krishna Hill, Bengaluru.
  • Lectures
  • Kirtans
  • Gallery
    • WOW Gallery – Get a glimpse of some of the most unforgettable moments at festival celebrations.
    • Nostalgia – Some of the important events in the history of ISKCON Bangalore.
    • Krishna Art – Some paintings done by disciples of Srila Prabhupada, depicting Krishna’s pastimes.
    • Temple Construction – The different stages of construction of the temple on Hare Krishna Hill.
    • Krishna Costume Contest – The kids dressed as Krishna/Radha, who were toppers in the online Krishna Costume Contest.
    • Dignitaries Visit – Do you know the dignitaries who visited our temple?
  • Downloads
    • Daily Darshan – View and download daily darshan images of Deities.
    • Krishna Voice – Download Krishna Voice, an English monthly published by the temple.
    • Bhakti Vedanta Darshana  – Download Bhaktivedanta Darshana, a Kannada monthly published by the temple.
    • Srila Prabhupada’s Books –  Download and read some of the books written by Srila Prabhupada.
    • Annual Reports –  Download Annual Reports, to know more about our temple activities.
    • Wallpapers –  Attractive wallpapers for you to view and download.