Sri Radhasthami is the auspicious appearance day of Srimati Radharani. The Vedic literatures state, Srimati Radharani is the universal Mother of all living entities. She is also the pleasure potency of Lord Krishna. The pleasure potency of Krishna, known as “Hladini shakti” in Sanskrit, refers to the internal energy of Krishna, Srimati Radharani, Who increases the transcendental pleasure of Lord Krishna.

Sri Radhashtami is celebrated on the eighth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadra (August – September). Devotees observe fasting till noon and pray to Her to get the mercy of Krishna to progress in devotional service.

On this auspicious occasion the Deities of Sri Radha Krishnachandra are adorned with a new dress. The garbha-griha is adorned with a magnificent array of vibrant and vivid flowers.

In the evening, the utsava Deities of Sri Radha Krishnachandra receive a splendid abhisheka. Devotees perform kirtanas and glorify Srimati Radharani by singing wonderful songs composed by Vaishnava Acharyas. Hundreds of devotees visit the temple to witness the celebrations. The Deities are bathed with milk, curd, ghee, honey and jaggery water followed by juices from varieties of fruits like muskmelon, apple, watermelon, pineapple, pomegranate, orange, sweet lime, papaya, grapes, etc. An elaborate arati is performed as the devotees sing Sri Radhikastava. After the arati, the Deities are bathed with sanctified water from 108 kalashas. This is followed by the showering of different varieties of flowers. After the abhisheka, chappan bhog (56 varieties of delicacies prepared by devotees) is offered to Sri Radha Krishnachandra.

The celebrations conclude with a grand shayana arati. Devotees sing Radhikastaka, a special song composed by Srila Rupa Gosvami. The shayana arati is followed by a grand pallakki utsava.

Sri Radhashtami is a special opportunity to glorify Srimati Radharani, under whose care one can attain perfection in devotional service. Don’t miss this opportunity to sponsor sevas to Sri Radha Krishnachandra and receive Their unlimited mercy.