A Divine Feast: The Delightful Story of Panihati Chida-dahi Festival

The Panihati Chida-dahi festival is a joyful celebration unique to the followers of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya. It originated around 500 years ago in the village of Panihati, situated 10 miles north of Kolkata in West Bengal. This festival is distinguished by the tradition of feasting on chida (chipped rice) and dahi (yoghurt), hence its name, Panihati Chida-dahi festival.

Panihati – A Centre of Gaudiya Vaishnavas

Situated on the banks of the River Ganges, Panihati was historically a vibrant centre of trade, benefiting from the river as a primary transportation route. A notable variety of rice called Peneti was imported from Jessore in East Bengal to Panihati, potentially giving the village its name. Originally a centre for Buddhist Tantrics and Kapalikas, Panihati evolved into a major hub for Gaudiya Vaishnavas in the sixteenth century during the time of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Advent of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at Sridhama Mayapura, a quarter in the city of Navadvipa, Bengal, in the year 1486 AD. The purpose of His incarnation was to establish the yuga-dharma – the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord. Lord Balarama appeared as Nityananda Prabhu, and many other eternal associates of the Lord appeared at that time to join His mission. One of them was Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami.

Detachment of Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami

Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami was born into a wealthy Zamindar family in the village of Sri-krishnapura near Panihati. From a young age, he exhibited a remarkable spirit of renunciation and detachment from worldly life. Despite his riches, he sought to leave home and join Lord Chaitanya in His mission. However, Lord Chaitanya advised him not to do so and assured him that Krishna would deliver him soon from the clutches of Maya.

As instructed by the Lord, Raghunatha Dasa played like an ordinary businessman. Though he inwardly had no interest in family life, he did not express his renunciation externally.

In this way, one year passed by. Nevertheless, the next year, he again decided to leave home. His heart was always with Lord Chaitanya. One night, he got up and left and went away. His father, Govardhana Majumadara, caught him at a distant place and brought him back. This became almost a daily affair.

Raghunatha Dasa Meets Sri Nityananda Prabhu


One day, Raghunatha Dasa received news that Sri Nityananda Prabhu (Lord Balarama) had arrived at Panihati. Raghunatha Dasa sought permission from his father and went to meet Sri Nityananda Prabhu, who was accompanied by many kirtan singers, servants and associates.

At Panihati, Raghunatha Dasa saw Lord Nityananda sitting on a rock under a banyan tree on the banks of the River Ganges, surrounded by many devotees. Impressed by His radiance and influence, Raghunatha Dasa hesitated to approach the Lord due to his humility and paid obeisance from a distance. However, some of the devotees noticed him and informed Nityananda Prabhu.

Lord Nityananda called Raghunatha Dasa and playfully accused him of hiding like a thief. He said, “Raghunatha Dasa! You are hiding like a thief. Come here. I shall punish you today.’’ Then He forcibly caught Raghunatha Dasa, blessed him by placing  His Lotus feet on his head and ordered him to celebrate a big festival and feed all His associates chipped rice and yoghurt as a form of punishment!

The Exquisite Chida-dahi Feast


Upon hearing Lord Nityananda’s order, Raghunatha Dasa was greatly pleased. He immediately sent his men to the village to purchase all kinds of food. They brought chipped rice, milk, yoghurt, sweetmeats, bananas, sugar, and other items. The news of the elaborate celebration attracted a large crowd.

As the crowd grew, Raghunatha Dasa arranged to buy more eatables from other villages. He also purchased large earthen pots and in these pots, chipped rice was soaked in hot milk. Half of the rice was mixed with yoghurt, sugar, and bananas, while the other half was mixed with condensed milk, bananas, sugar, clarified butter, and camphor. The delicious chida-dahi preparation included various fruits and dry fruits, with special flavours like strawberry, fig, gulkand, chandan, black grapes, and raspberry.

All the devotees received two earthen pots, one with chipped rice mixed with yoghurt and another with chipped rice mixed with condensed milk.

Then Lord Nityananda, in meditation, brought Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to that place, but not all devotees could perceive Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s presence. Both Lord Chaitanya and Sri Nityananda Prabhu could see how everyone was enjoying eating the chida-dahi preparation.

panihati festival

Then Nityananda Prabhu took one morsel of chipped rice from every pot and pushed it into the mouth of Lord Chaitanya. Lord Chaitanya, also smiling, did the same to Nityananda Prabhu and laughed as He made Lord Nityananda eat it. Except for a few, no one could understand what Nityananda Prabhu was doing as He walked around. Then, both Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu sat down and ate chipped rice together.

Sri Nityananda Prabhu ordered all the devotees to chant the holy name of Hari. Immediately, the air was filled with the chant of ‘Haribol!’ as the devotees enjoyed chipped rice and reminisced about how Krishna and Balarama ate with Their companions, the cowherd boys, on the bank of the Yamuna. These cowherd boys had now appeared as the associates of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu, enjoying the same pastime on the bank of the Ganga. They were absorbed in ecstatic love.

Then Sri Nityananda Prabhu gave Raghunatha Dasa the food remaining in His pots, which was also distributed to all the devotees.

Sri Nityananda Prabhu Blesses Raghunatha Dasa

The next morning, Raghunatha Dasa worshipped Sri Nityananda Prabhu in the same spot and begged for His mercy to attain the shelter of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Lord Nityananda instructed all the devotees to bless Raghunatha Dasa and then placed His lotus feet on Raghunatha Dasa’s head, assuring him that he would soon become a confidential associate of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu without any impediments. Thus, by the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, Raghunatha Dasa joined Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and became one of the six celebrated Gosvamis of Vrindavan.

The Festival of Punishment

The chida-dahi utsava, also known as Danda Mahotsava (the festival of punishment), is celebrated every year by Gaudiya Vaishnavas in commemoration of this wonderful pastime, not only in Panihati but also in all the centres of Hare Krishna Movement. It is celebrated on the thirteenth day of the bright moon in the month of Jyestha (May-June). Even now, the location where Lord Nityananda sat underneath the big banyan tree in Panihati has become a sacred pilgrimage site.  

While Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is known as the most merciful incarnation of the Supreme Lord, Sri Nityananda Prabhu’s mercy surpasses even His. By following Nityananda Prabhu’s instructions – chanting Krishna’s holy names, partaking in Krishna prasadam, and associating with devotees – one can receive His blessings and attain Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s shelter, just like Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami did. Ultimately, this leads to the highest benediction: Krishna-prema, or love of Godhead.

Related Links:  Chida-dahi Recipes |  Five lessons to be learnt from the ‘Festival of Punishment’ Panihati Chida-dahi festival

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